
Jamila Akaaga Ade

Asst. Director/Head Cybercrimes Unit, Federal Minitry of Justice Headquarters Abuja

Joined the Civil Service in 2007 as a recipient of the NYSC Presidential Honors Award and Best Female Corps Member of the year in 2007 as a State Counsel and has risen through the ranks to become an Assistant Director.
Served in various capacities which include: Legal Assistant to the Honorable Minister of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation (2007); Pioneer Head of Legal Services National Agency for the Great Green Wall (2014); Personal Assistant to the Solicitor General of the Federation and Permanent Secretary (2021); Legal Officer, office of Special Assistant to the President on Justice Sector Reforms, International Relations/Asset Recovery.
Currently heads the Cybercrimes Unit in the Federal Ministry of Justice and is: Nigeria’s representative to the T-CY (Budapest Convention on Cybercrime Committee)/T-CY Bureau Member; the National Coordinator of the Global Action on Cybercrime Extended (GLACY+); Co-chair of the Diplomacy and Capacity Building Track of the Counter Ransomware Initiative (CRI), a United States initiative; Member of the Cybercrimes Advisory Council and Prevent Advisory Board (PAB), a UK funded project.