
Abdulhakeem Ajijola

Chair, African Union Cyber Security Experts Group

Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola (AhA), a global Cybersecurity resource is ranked #1 in the 2020 IFSEC Global Cybersecurity professionals influencers and thought leaders list; he is concurrently the Chair, African Union Cyber Security Expert Group (AUCSEG); Chair, Working Group on Cyber Incident Management and Critical Information Protection of Global Forum on Cyber Expertise #theGFCE www.thegfce.com; Listed on the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) www.un.org Roster of Experts supporting the development of an online training course in “Cyber-diplomacy;" Commissioner, Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (#theGCSC) https://cyberstability.org; Member, Presidential Committee on the Development of the 2020-2025 National Broadband Plan; and member Group of Experts for the Nigerian Senate Committee on Cybersecurity and ICT. He is a founding member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation – Computer Emergency Response Team (OIC-CERT) www.oic-cert.org. AhA’s daytime job is Chairman, Consultancy Support Services (CS2) Ltd., www.cs2.com.ng a Cyber Security, e-Library and Information Communication Technology (ICT) Policy Consultancy Firm, based in Abuja, Nigeria. He is working to kick-start the development of an Africa Cybersecurity Economic sub sector employing thousands of knowledge workers, below 35 years of age, who will profitably drive Cybersecurity solutions value chains to solve current and future problems.